Monday, November 20, 2006

Curtains are More than just Window Dressings

Among the many elements of home decor that can enhance the feel of the home, curtains are the most useful. They are not merely window coverings; they provide style and grace, and they serve a more practical purpose by increasing your home energy efficiency.

Curtains are, basically, window dressings often substituted by blinds. They come in many shapes, sizes, and materials. They offer privacy and can change the look of the whole room. If you select your curtains carefully, you can increase the intimacy of your room, and add a touch of elegance and style to your home.

Choose the color of your home curtains carefully. It should match with the rest of the interior design and at the same time speak of your personal taste and style. However, in getting too personal do not forget the coordination with rest of the decor. What you want from the room and what you are is well reflected from the kind of color you choose for the curtains. If you have already decorated your house with the according to your taste and selection then choosing the curtain color would not be a problem.

When one is trying to create a cozy and intimate feel, curtains can play a material part in accomplishing this goal. Warm, rich colors, like reds and browns, "earthy" colors, enhance the intimate feel. They make a room seem smaller and warmer and can contribute to feelings of intimacy between friends and family. Make these rich colors in a material that is heavy and soft, like velvet or a similar fabric, and the feeling is complete.

On the other hand, choose cool colors, like blues and greens, for more elegant and formal rooms. They make the room look bigger and more spacious than it actually is. For cool colors, choose light fabrics like silk and linen. You can bring in formality and elegance to the room with light fabrics in opaque and solid cool colors.

You can have light translucent curtains for the summer months. They add to the cool breezy feel of the room. Use bright colors or light pastels to add to this appeal. These colors evoke openness and happiness. Prints and pastels used for window curtains enhance the breezy cool feeling of the room.

Curtains are more than just home decor. They remove the usual monotony and a feeling of living in fish bowl. Plus they add to the privacy and energy efficiency of the house. One you have pulled up the curtains, you feel warm and secured, since you know no one can look in or intrude on your privacy. Curtains act as very good heat insulators. Light fabrics for curtains in summers keep the home cool and thick one in winter keep it warm. Thus, you can save on you energy consumption costs.

Curtains are a normal part of our lives; we cannot do without them. They add to the beauty of the house and make us feel more comfortable. However, the secret lies in choosing curtains carefully for each room to create the desired effect.

About the Author:

About the author: Teegan Lala writes exclusively for Free Curtains, it's one of the webs most up to date Curtain sites, while you're there sign up for the free newsletter. If you want to read more Curtain articles go to:

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