Saturday, August 30, 2008

A Perfect Get-away...

Thanks to everyone who left us such thoughtful wishes for our anniversary! Now, I do try to stick to mainly decorating topics, but I also treat my blog as a journal of sorts for me to look back on and remember what has gone on in my life. I have never been one to have a diary (too much work), but I do find it helpful to jog my memory by sometimes writing about the "minutiae" of my little life. So, if it is too dull for you to read, by all means click on any of the great links on my right sidebar! Sometimes, it's all about me, as the saying goes...!!!

We just returned from our big night away to celebrate our anniversary, and I feel like a whole new person! Just hanging out with my husband without refereeing our kids' squabbles and, instead, talking about anything and everything without interruption, was bliss...
We decided to head over to Prince Edward Island (which is the setting to all of the Anne of Green Gables stories to take in some theatre, great food, and a little shopping of sorts. Well, the shopping didn't amount to much, but the hotel, dining, and show we went to far surpassed our expectations!!

Being highly sophisticated, we nixed ballet or opera for a rousing rendition of "The Ballad of Stompin' Tom". Stompin' Who, you might ask? Well, I'm too lazy/embarrassed to go into details, but let's just say he is a relic of a man who has lived a very difficult life that was capped off by a very successful, Canadian career - characterized by his nasally twang, catchy lyrics, and stomping foot as he sang to his adoring fans.
Would I have gone to the show of my husband wasn't one of those adoring fans? Well, no, but I am more than happy I did! We witnessed some amazing acting talent, humour, and music, and I would recommmend that anyone within spitting distance should attend! I might add there was also an incredibly handsome actor appearing here and there throughout the show, who more than held my attention at times...I may have been married for fifteen years ladies, but I'm not dead!!!

We stayed at a hotel called The Great George Inn, and let me tell you (again, my sophistication is rearing its ugly head...), it was the nicest hotel I have ever stayed in!! From the scent of fresh-baked cookies that greets guests as they enter the lobby (provided all day long!), to the amazing service, attention to detail, and beautifully appointed rooms (and you know my hubby is frugal...ours was the cheapest should see the others!)......well, we had to pinch ourselves at how lucky we were to stumble upon this spot!! Indeed, our whole trip was perfect, and I don't exaggerate! From the games of Scrabbles we played on the ferry, to the delicious meals we had, strolling around the city with nary a care, to the great entertainment and laughs we really was rejuvenating and affirming: we really still are the people we once were before responsibilities took hold! In fact, my husband vows we will not wait the five years until our next milestone anniversary to return there...No, we will be back next year to recharge our batteries as a couple. I think we have just found some more of the building blocks to a strong, happy marriage.
No need to worry, I will return to my usual topic, decorating, on Monday!!

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