Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Four things in four seconds?

Julia, from Hooked on Houses just got back from BlissDom, which is a huge meeting of bloggers for bloggers, and she wrote a little list of what she learned there. The thing that shocked me the most is that, apparently, most visitors stay at your blog for an average of only four seconds.

Four seconds!!! Is that right? Because if it is, that means I am spending far too much time writing my posts! No, I choose not to believe it. Because a talkative gal like me can't possibly write a post that can be read in four seconds...

Instead, I will go with the four theme and offer up four things that are on my mind:

1. Does it make me a bad mother if I book a hair appointment for my daughter during school hours?

2. Does it make me a really bad mother if, on the way, I buy her a Cafe Mocha, albeit decaffeinated??

3. This display of compassion and sharing made me so happy and sad: the look of such a hungry child looking so earnestly into her eyes...I don't know how she didn't crumble into a sobbing mess, knowing that his own mother cannot give him what he so desperately needs. Heartbreaking and heartwarming...

4. I'm sorry, but I just can't get past this: do most of you really spend just four seconds scanning each blog? Because I don't. I may not get around to as many blogs a day as I'd like to, but I certainly give more than four seconds to those I visit. Unless, of course, they haven't posted new material since my last visit!!

I need to know. And if it's true, I apologize for my run-on posts...and I had better start taking and finding more pictures!!!!!!

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