Monday, July 6, 2009

A Rose, by any other name...

Remember a while back when I revealed this wanton desire? How hot envy stabbed at my heart in a most unvirtuous way after seeing this veritable round-up of perfection? How could a girl not be envious? It seems everyone had one. Jen had one. Jerusalem had one. Heather`s was divine. Ki had a really cool one...of more ample proportions...a real renaissance girl. Margo showed hers off, bejewelled and lovely. It was more than I could bear.

The hunt was on.
Which was a bit of a joke, really, if you knew what I have to pick from for vintage shops and the like. Treasures like that don`t come `round these parts too easily.

But Rose had other ideas.
By the way, have you met Rose?

Yes. Rose found her way to me, ever so humbly, on my most recent trip to my favourite antique shop. I almost missed her. She was hiding in the dress-up corner of the shop, under a long, black coat. I rescued her. Yes, I did..for the sweet tune of $40.

It made my weekend, yes it did!!

Oh, and her name? Well, Rosie would be the name I would give to another daughter, if I lost my mind and decided to have another child (which I won`t!) Of course, Rose just fits better for my dress form. Now I have the perfect spot to display my large collection of vintage aprons.

Believe me, they look way better on Rose than me!!

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