Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Butterflies and Flip Flops...

Remember me? The normally prompt and predictable author of this blog who wrote posts on a a regular, timed basis? Well, I'm in there somewhere, and I certainly have been doing enough writing...
In fact, I have been rather glued to the keyboard lately, trying to get the new Flea Market Style blog up and running in time for that promised mid-August release. As those of you who are bloggers know, there is a whole lot of work to setting up the infrastructure of a blog, especially when one wants to have an archives of posts to support the hype once new readers find it! So, forgive me for my tardiness and instead allow me to share a sneak preview of just some of the hype surrounding the new Flea Market Style Magazine.

We have received our first bit of press about the magazine in the Minneapolis Star Tribune. As I told Ki, it is now beginning to feel real to me ( though writing for my features has helped, too) and my stomach had butterflies and did flip flops when I read this:

In fact, it just might answer some of the questions you have had about the mag. Oh, and the photo images accompanying it hint at one of the most beautiful features in the magazines. I've said it before and I'll say it again: this magazine is definitely more coffee table book than magazine - it's that beautiful!!
**There is one tiny error within the article, though. Can you spot it? No prizes, but for those who like seek and find puzzles, this one's for you!

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