Monday, September 28, 2009

Homeward Bound...

(decorations from past holidays)

A bout with some strange virus had me awol for a spell, as you may or may not have noticed. It has left me feeling drained of energy at a time when I could really use a little extra. It is crunch time, with regards to magazine deadlines and such, and little miss Sophie is quite perturbed that nary a fall decoration is up and bidding welcome to the new season. As I visited the pharmacy at my local grocer tonight, I half-heartedly picked up a lone white/gray pumpkin that aims to be my first attempt at ushering in the season. Not as cheery as its orange cousin, that little pumpkin will serve to get me going on my preparations for Thanksgiving. Happily, my turkey is already bought and I am just awaiting a recipe Matthew Mead has promised to send me for carrot casserole, which looks so delicious and hearty. I plan to put more effort and style into this thankful meal, and may even take a little peek into my Halloween/fall bins and surprise my little girl with a decoration or two as she arrives home from school.

That's the plan, anyway.
Anyone have some spare energy they can send me?

(above photo source? I forget...)

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