Thursday, February 11, 2010

Watching and Waiting...

Dear Mr. Fed Ex guy,

How you torture me so. I waited all day for you yesterday and, alas, you stood me up. Some silly excuse about clearing customs - that's what they all say...Still, I know you have something good inside (your truck), so I will give you another chance. Because I know you are worth it. So, I return to my perch, behind this window, full of hope and anticipation.

But I want you to know it hasn't been easy for me... this blind faith and trusting. Today, I could be out buying lollipops for Sophie's valentines, picking up bread and milk (the poor children), even getting myself a coffee. But I have put you first.

And you better deliver!
Or I will deliver an earful!! Demand my life back!

I continue to trust in you, confident that I will be curled up with this, tonight:
Patiently yours,


disclaimer: Dear friends, I promise I will be back to normal soon. Call it an extreme case of cabin fever, if you will!

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