Monday, June 30, 2008

Canadian Pride...Happy Canada Day!!

By sheer good luck, we ended up in Canada when we emigrated from Northern Ireland over thirty years ago. It could have been Australia or South Africa, but Canada accepted us first. I will never forget stepping off the airplane in Moncton, New Brunswick and having a small Canadian flag thrust into my hand by a virtual stranger - albeit a kindly aunt - and despite being so young, I was struck by the enormity of change I felt encroaching upon my insulated, young world. I remember little else of the actual journey to a foreign country, but I remember quite a bit about those early days when all seemed confusing and strange. I remember smells distinctly, and June bugs; and my unaccustomed immune system reacted badly to all the mosquito bites.
I didn't like the early days at all...I longed to be in our own home, and not staying with family I knew little of. I wanted a sense of normalcy, and I happily found it when we finally settled in Saint John, New Brunswick where I grew to adulthood and my family still resides.
This country is breathtaking in its beauty, and the freedoms afforded us are ones I don't take for granted. Nowhere is completely safe, but I feel as protected in this place I live as I could ever hope to be.
I am proud to call this country home...

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