Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Marvelous mudroom lockers!

I just had to do it. Considering it is one of the top google searches that lead new people to my blog - running head to head with those googling Matthew Mead, robin's egg blue, and re-doing campers - I felt it was time to deliver some more photos of mudroom lockers. It goes without saying I have shown my own mudroom locker photos more than enough. Still, for those who are new to my blog, I dutifully offer them up again:

...made by my hubby!

I love the functionality of those lockers more than it is reasonable to love any inanimate object. But, with three busy kids and a husband who works in the woods (read: muddy work boots and jackets humming of the essence of wild raisin - sooo not nice), I really need the containment of disorder that my serviceable mudroom offers me. With easy to reach hooks and baskets, things actually get hung up and placed in their rightful home.

For those of you dreaming of adding mudroom lockers to your own home, by all means go ahead and take the plunge if at all possible. You will never regret it; and you, too, can join the leagues of homeowners seeking "a place for everything, and everything in its place!" Take inspiration from the following photos, and enlist a handy person in your life (perhaps it's you!), and just do it!!

The following are all photos from Better Homes and Gardens.com :

Well, there you have it. If you can't find a style of locker here that you like, perhaps you are seeking the traditional metal lockers of our youth. Try scouting around your local schools for cast-offs, and certainly attend any sales that feature discards from school closures and/or tear downs. Your local flea markets might yield some vintage varieties as well, so put your feelers out! I will also feature some great photos soon of alternative ways to carve out a mudroom space... without actually having to build a whole new home! Yep, just call me your ``go to gal`` for mudroom ideas and inspiration!!

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