Sunday, November 22, 2009

Another Pretty Playhouse...

One day last week, I received an email from a reader who had been inspired by Sophie's playhouse and embarked on a mission to create on for her own daughters. While I am flattered that she found inspiration with mine/Sophie's, I think this reader (Angie W.) has oodles of talent up her own sleeves! Here is her letter, and some photos and details on how she created her own adorable little playhouse:

Dear Linda,
I hope you don't mind, but we used your playhouse as a ''model'' for our own -- the kitchen, the bed, even the star outside! You should sell the plans! After a couple of months, ours is finally complete. My girls are thrilled. I'm not sure who likes it most -- the girls or me?

Thanks again for the inspiration,


Well, we cheated a bit because we ended up hiring a carpenter! My husband is pretty handy and thought he could do it, but he works 6 days a week and didn't know when he'd have the time to commit to it.
We had a friend paint it. He is a high school art teacher. He also built the window boxes and shutters.
We made it 6x8 plus the porch.
But all the ideas were mine and yours!!

Also, my 88-year-old grandmother made all the curtains, tie backs, valance and the kitchen counter skirt and bed spread and chair cushions.

I found a vintage pink chenille bedspread on ebay for $30. She was able to use it to make all those things, except the curtains were made of polka dot fabric we found at a quilt store.

Took your ''sink'' idea and used the stainless steel bowl. I went to a plumbing supply store and they let me search their discard aisle and I found the faucet and knobs for FREE! We also scored the wood flooring for free. It was leftover from some of the houses my husband buys and remodels.
Scored the little pink message board at Goodwill for $1.50.


Isn't this an amazing little house? I am so happy when readers share their great make-overs. I bet Angie's little girls are the envy of the neighbourhood!!

Really, who doesn't love a playhouse?!!

Congratulations, Angie, to you and your husband on a job well done, and thank you for sharing it with us all!

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