Thursday, November 26, 2009

O Christmas Tree...

I have yet to crack so much as a single Christmas decoration tote. This is very odd for me, as I am known for jumping the gun. In fact, I have the date of December 6th set in stone as the date that my (real) Christmas tree should be up. This year I have vowed to actually head to a real Christmas tree farm and cut one down fresh. Sure, it isn't as conevenient as buying one in the parking lot of my local grocer, but hopefully it also means I won't end up with a tree that drops needles by the bucket load.

Which brings me to the question: do you put up a real or faux Christmas tree? Me, I do both; as you know I am prone to decorating a collection of trees. However, our main tree takes pride of place in our living room window and is decidedly genuine.

This year I treated myself a gold/silver shimmering beauty for my dining area. It is my first time decorating a large tree that is not green, and I can't wait to put it up. I have a collection of vintage inspired ornaments that will look beautiful on it, and I must say, it has me jumpstarted my excitement for holiday decorating.
Now I just have to make the time to get cracking!

So, are your real or faux?

Oh, and Happy belated Thanksgiving to my American readers! I hope your bellies and hearts are indeed full.

photo sources: top and middle:

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